The Most Important Day of the Year

As I think back over my short-ish life there have been days that have stood out more than others. Certain days just seem bigger and better. Those are the days I’ll never forget. Days like when I asked my wife to marry me, my wedding day, the birth of my children, the day I found out we were having a third child (shocker!), baptizing two of my children, finishing my doctorate…I could keep going and I’m sure you have days that just stand taller than others too.


One day stands taller than any other. It was a day I wasn’t even alive for, but yet it made me alive in ways I never thought possible. It’s a day the whole world will recognize if not celebrate this week. It’s the most important day in the history of mankind. What day am I talking about? I’m talking about what we celebrate on Easter – Resurrection Sunday! It’s the day that Christians around the world celebrate that Jesus didn’t just die, but that He rose again just like He said he would. St. Paul says “if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead our faith would be in vain” (1 Cor. 15:14). Sundays wouldn’t matter, our prayers wouldn’t matter, morality would just be preferences, and eternal life would be wishful thinking–but if the resurrection did happen it changes everything.

Your life has been marked by this person called Jesus. Your birth is measured against his birth. 2015 years since what?…Since Jesus was born. Your children’s lives, even your car is dated against this spectacular person and important day. Why not spend this Easter getting to know this person named Jesus? I think you’ll find that once you decide if Jesus is really who He said He was (John 14:6) it will shape every other day for the rest of your life. You’ll find another level of living you only dreamed of. You’ll find the key you’ve been trying to find all along is really Jesus and that the most important day of your life is when you accept Him. What do you have to lose?