Create More Than You Consume

It seems like everyone wants to label you and me a consumer. Economists, politicians, and corporations seem to think our greatest contribution to society is our ability to consume.

The impression we’re left with is the only thing we have to offer the world is our purchasing power. In fact, there seems to be an expectation that our duty is to go out and spend $$ each weekend so our economy keeps humming along.

4 Things I Learned About Israel

Last week I was blessed to take a trip of a lifetime to Israel with my wife. I had wanted to go for some time, but with scheduling (and budgeting) I couldn’t make it work.

Then last year I couldn’t shake the impression that God wanted me to go. I felt so strongly about it that we renewed my wife’s passport in preparation. I prayed about different trips with people I knew but none of them worked out. Then a friend reached out to me about joining a pastor’s trip to Israel. It was the perfect fit I had been praying for!

Christmas Expectancy

What are you looking forward to this Christmas? Christmas is a time of expectancy.

Children get this sense of expectancy better than anyone else. Every morning my kids ask me how many more days till Christmas. They can’t wait to find out what will be under the tree!

The God of No’s

Dealing with Unanswered Prayer

Have you ever felt like God just wasn’t answering your prayers? You were persistently praying, but nothing was happening. Or worse, it’s become painfully obvious the answer was “no.” The opportunity passed, the door closed, the job was filled, they married someone else.

What makes it hurt a little more is when your friend prays for the exact same thing and gets it immediately while you’ve been praying for years. You’re praying for a baby to love and your college roommate (Fertile Myrtle) just announced she is having her third (#blessed).