God Only Gives You Two Choices

Do you ever feel like there are too many choices? I often feel that way. My wife asks me to pick up laundry detergent and I’m so glad she is specific on which brand she wants because the choices are overwhelming…and that’s just the first thing on the grocery list!


When it comes to following Jesus we like to believe there are equally as many choices as there are brands of detergent, but in reality there are only two.

How Did Jesus Support His Ministry?

Did you ever stop to think about how the ministry of Jesus and His disciples continued? How did it happen? How were they able financially to minister full time? We remember from the gospel that Judas was the treasurer, but where did the resources come from? Did they sell Jesus memorabilia? Hold bake sales? Sell BBQ?


They did a lot of traveling, teaching, miracles, and eating in 3 years of ministry. The resources did not just “appear” and Jesus didn’t turn water into wine every night. Luke gives us a glimpse of how the ministry of Jesus continued.

How To Make Your Thanksgiving Count

6 Ideas To Get the Most Out of Your Holiday

I love Thanksgiving! It is the one holiday that isn’t commercialized and that doesn’t involve some imaginary character like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny to distract from the holiday’s true meaning.


Thanksgiving is the day our country stops and remembers all of God’s blessings during the year.

How to Get the Help You Need

It's Simpler Than You Think

Sometimes in life we find ourselves in the midst of something we didn’t expect or ask for. Life throws us a punch that we think might just take us to the mat for good.


Maybe it’s a death of a loved one, maybe it’s cancer, maybe it’s a failing marriage, maybe it’s a financial blow, a child with disabilities, or the realization that certain dreams will NEVER come true.

One Word that Will Kill Your Dream

One 3 letter word destroys most dreams. The word makes me shake in my boots and has killed more of my own dreams than anything else. Every critic, cynic, and skeptic will throw this word at your dream. The word will ground your dream faster than a nor’easter. You’ll watch your dream deflate and will feel the life get sucked out of you with this one little word.


What’s the word?

Hope Is Not a Strategy

How do you know if you are being optimistic or delusional about the future? I would certainly much rather be described as optimistic than pessimistic, but at what point does hoping just become wishful thinking?


I’ve noticed a trend with people who face difficult circumstances is they have a remarkable ability to remain hopeful that things will turn around and get better. I admire those types of people who can stare death in the face and hope for a brighter future. I would much rather hang around those types of people than the chicken littles of the world.

The Key to Not Blowing Up Your Life

Why You Should Always Ask For Advice

Do you have a big decision to make? If you don’t have one looming right now you will at some point in the future. How you make that decision will set you up for success or could blow up your life and set you back years.


The big decisions I’m talking about are ones like: whether you should move, whether you should marry a certain someone..should you stay at your current job or is it time to move on–big decisions that will greatly affect your future, your friendships, and your finances.

The Power of Travel

Why You Should Go on a Short-Term Missions Trip Soon

Have you ever visited a foreign country? I’m not talking about visiting one to see the famous landmarks or wonders of the world. I’m talking about visiting a third world country so people can see and hear the love of Jesus.


I believe you should regularly visit a third world country. If you’ve never been, put it at the top of your list immediately.

How To Offend God

(It's Not What You Think)

Ever been around someone who all they could talk about is the past? They love to tell stories about their glory days, which is fine for people in a nursing home. They’ve lived a good life. There is far more behind them than in front of them, but that isn’t true for you.


You have years, decades in front of you. How will you use them?