Never Use This Excuse

Most of us want to do things that leave our corner of the world better. We hope that because we lived others can point to things that are better because of our time on earth. No one says, “I just want to be lame my whole life.”


We plan to do good, we plan to change the world…we just forget on the way to work or the way to soccer practice. That altruism gets lost in the busyness and routines of life. All that running around makes us tired and starved for time and cash. So when we actually have an opportunity to make a difference we don’t have the capacity emotionally, physically, or financially to help.

To make ourselves feel better about our inaction we have to come up with an excuse to justify our inactions. The one that I tell myself most often is…someone else will do it. Have you ever said that to yourself? You’ve seen an opportunity to help or serve someone and you thought someone else will do it. Someone else will help, I don’t need to get involved. Someone else will give, someone else will volunteer. Every time I use that excuse I become lame. I move toward selfishness and away from being more like Jesus.

This happened just the other day. I’m embarrassed to tell you this…I was on the way to church and as I was coming up to the vacant property where our new church will be built, I saw a car pulled over right in front of our church sign. The first thought that popped into my head was they are probably vandals. (I know…I’m a sick person.) As I slowed down to play detective I noticed the right front tire was flat. In the next instant I saw the lady pull out her cell phone and start talking to someone so…being a good pastor…I drove on by. What? I had to get to church! I know…I am so LAME!

I didn’t start the day by looking in the mirror and saying “I think I’ll be lame today. It’s a great day to be lame and only think of myself.” Instead I fed myself the terrible excuse…Someone else will do it. Someone else will help them out.

I’m obviously pretty dumb…how big of a blinking light did I need–church property…flat tire…I’m the pastor of the church where the car with the flat tire is parked…lame.

Here is what gives me hope…Even though I can be lame, God chooses ordinary people (with a proclivity toward lameness) to get things done when we stop making excuses.

As we lose more and more margin it can become really easy to see people as IN OUR WAY. They are in our way to check out. They are in our way to get to work. They are in our way to get a parking spot. But what if God placed them in your way on purpose? For you to be awesome. Instead of being frustrated at being inconvenienced think…this is a chance for me to BE AWESOME. God placed them ON MY WAY not in my way.

We become lame when we use the excuse someone else will do it. Don’t be lame…Be Awesome!