In the last post we looked at how a lack of self-awareness can be holding you back in every area of your life. Today we are going to look at the first of three ways you can gain that awareness.
How well do you really know yourself? Do you know what ticks you off and makes you tick? What strengths do you bring to a team? What role would you best function in? What is your natural default when placed in stressful situations? Knowing how others interpret your actions when you are under pressure is one of the most important keys to self-awareness.
We are fortunate enough to live in a time where there are several great tools that make answering these questions easier. I want you to see in black and white how God has wired you up. Before you dive in with these tools it’s important to remember there is no such thing as a “best” personality or a “best” wiring. There isn’t a right personality or one you should hope for. Your goal is for you to be the best you that God has made you to be…that’s called stewardship. These tools will help you see how you view the world and yourself as well as the many strengths you have.
- Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) Profile Test is the first place to start. It costs ($26.95) for this test but the insight that this one test alone creates is worth far more than the cost. I think you’ll have several ah-ha moments. One of my favorite parts of this test is the “See Yourself As Others See You” section. If you use the code “strengths” you get a discount on the purchase price of the test. Every potential staff and key volunteer takes this test in our church. The test is based on the DiSC model. (I don’t get anything for recommending this tool to you.)
- StrengthsFinder 2.0
by Tom Rath identifies hard and soft strengths and explains what each means. Inside the book is an access code to take the online test where you can view your top 5 strengths.
- The Love Language Test. This free short test is based on the book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
by Gary Chapman. He identifies 5 different ways we like to give and receive love. Many times when someone says “I don’t feel like you love me anymore” it’s because their loved one isn’t speaking their language. Your marriage would improve 10-fold by just becoming more self-aware in this area.
- Spiritual Gift Test. Elmer Towns, one of my mentors and favorite professors, has a free test to help you determine the gifts that God has given you to help His church grow. I still remember the first time I took this questionnaire as a freshman in college. When I had finished and viewed the results it affirmed so much of what I was already feeling. Take this and start serving in your local church this weekend.
Take these tests and see what you come up with. Talk them over with a good friend to see if they affirm the results. These tests will help you with your self-awareness way better than the Which Star Wars Character Are You test. Remember wherever you go, you bring yourself. Self-awareness isn’t affecting just one area. Every area of your life can improve as you learn what your natural defaults are and make changes according to that new-found knowledge.