Have you ever eaten too much of a good thing? So much so that it made you sick? I remember one Halloween in particular…because Halloween is national junk food day. And this particular one my kids had nothing but junk food. They had a party at school complete with cupcakes and candy. We went out to Friendly’s and they had a milkshake. We did the Halloween Parade our church puts on with the town and they had hotdogs, popcorn, and of course, as fast as they were filling up their bag with candy from trick or treating they were eating it. I had no idea how much junk food they really had.

But in the middle of the night…I found out pretty quickly…one child vomited it all over their room, their sheets, the floors, and the walls. After they covered their room they left a trail all the way to the bathroom. I don’t think anything actually made it into the toilet.