Ever had one of those moments where you know it couldn’t have been a coincidence?
It was one of those moments where it was impossible to deny that God was and is working behind the scenes.
Ever had one of those moments where you know it couldn’t have been a coincidence?
It was one of those moments where it was impossible to deny that God was and is working behind the scenes.
Do you remember superlatives from your English classes? A superlative is the greatest of any set of objects that are being compared. You recognize a superlative by the –est ending of the adjective…tallest, fastest, funniest. When you have a 3-syllable adjective it is preceded by the word “most”… most important, most valuable.
My son, who is in kindergarten, was recently taught the comparison (-er & more) and superlative form of adjectives by his 3rd grade sister. So he loves going around and showing off this newly acquired knowledge.
Are you confused about what you should do next? As you come to the end of the year and look at a new one you’ll have some decisions to make. Some will be easy, others will be difficult and painful.
Even if you know what you should do uncertainty about the details can feel paralyzing as you try to plan and move forward.
I believe your future looks very bright. No matter how dark it seems right now. Why do I believe that?
Because God always keeps His promises and He has promised to work all things together for good (Romans 8:28).
Are you stressed out? I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that you are.
Most of us think the answer to our stress is more of something. If we had more money, more clients, more sales, more house, more influence, more friends, more vacation, more help…we would have less stress.
Has it been a stressful year for you? This has been one of the strangest and most stressful years for me personally. Even more stressful than the year I started Northstar.
Anytime you go through something stressful you ask a lot of questions you wouldn’t normally think to ask.
Have you heard the axiom, “If God is in it, it will be easy” OR “If it’s God’s will, it will be smooth.” Maybe you’ve even said it to a friend.
It’s common advice that gets offered in Christian circles when someone is questioning a particular path or choice in life.
I’m sure you’ve heard of Fair Weather Fans. The fans who jump on the band wagon and cheer for the team that’s on fire this season.
If you are a diehard you probably loathe these flavor of the month fans. Where were all of these people last year when you didn’t even make the playoffs? It’s easy to get a little resentful as they express their undying love for your team now that things are different.
I’m sure you have some expectations of your church and pastor. If they don’t meet those expectations you’ll probably be looking for a new church.
I’ve always found that reality interesting because very few people leave a church because of weird theology or some flagrant sin on the part of the leadership.
What do you expect from your pastor? Before I give you my list it would be helpful for you to write down your own list before you read on.
Most lists people come up with usually revolve around roles instead of character traits. The lists often focus on what they want a pastor to do instead of what they want a pastor to be.