In every industry, media, niche, and forum there are rockstars…
People who are so far ahead of everyone else in terms of success, followers, money, status, album sales or whatever else your industry values that it seems mere mortals like you and me will never catch up.
These industry leaders seem to have been given special divine favor to achieve their stratospheric success.
The problem is not that there are rockstars, the problem is what we can allow it to do to our mission and purpose.
When you look at the rockstars there’s a fine line between inspiration and discouragement.
I was talking with an extremely talented musician recently who wanted to write some new songs, but he was ready to give up on his dream because the church world already has the talented song writers from Hillsong and Elevation Church. What could he possibly add?
He had gotten so discouraged about it that he was ready to put his music on the shelf. It would have been a huge loss to the church he leads because he is extremely talented and loved.
Just because you’re not well-known doesn’t mean what you are doing isn’t important or significant. It’s easy to think that what we do doesn’t count unless it is at the same level as the exceptions.
It’s a dangerous thing when we make the exceptions the new standards.
I hope my friend reaches the meteoric success of Hillsong, but even if he doesn’t he has one thing that Hillsong and Elevation Church will never have…what is it? Influence.
I know you think I’ve lost my mind because both of those churches are extremely influential in every arena but they don’t have the type of influence my friend has in his world.
Most of the people in his world have never even heard of those two churches. Even if they have they prefer him and his songs because of the influence he has with them. Influence that grows from a shared history.
I bet you’ve had similar thoughts in your area of strength…What’s the point when so many other great people can do what I do? I’ve had those thoughts…what possibly could I say in a message that hasn’t already been said? How in the world can I speak about __________ better than Andy Stanley? What can I write that hasn’t already been written (and better) by someone else?
If you feel like what you are doing doesn’t count because it’s not on the scale of whoever I want to remind you that us little guys have something Andy Stanley will never have…influence in our world.
In no way am I trying to disparage him. I’ve read everything he has written. I think he is one of the sharpest minds we have. Many people respect what he has to say and I’m top of the list!

#1 Fanboy
Here is what I hope you do get…
Influence works on a sliding scale.
Some voices are louder and carry more weight than others within their sphere. In my very limited sphere I have more influence than Andy Stanley and so do you in yours.
What determines the amount of influence isn’t just prominence it’s proximity. That’s why everybody’s momma has more influence over them than Andy does.
Just because someone is at the top of an industry it doesn’t mean everyone below them lacks influence. In fact, I think it’s possible to have even more influence than the industry leader…in your world.
Influence isn’t exclusively based on success it’s also based on relational equity. The more you have the more your influence slides up the scale.
Besides when people are at a crossroads and need some wisdom it’s not like they can call up the market leader. Even if they could most people call the person who has the most influence equity.
And just because you may know who the market leader is for your industry doesn’t mean others do. Even if they did know they trust you because of the relationship you enjoy with them that the rockstar doesn’t.
If you are in sales I bet there are better salesman than you, but you are the one your clients trust and want to buy from. I’m sure there are better designers, engineers, developers, artists, you name it, but you are the one your network trusts and likes.
For example…how many people do you know that have a side photography business?
If you’re like me I’m sure quite a few. Why do your friends get their pictures taken with one of your friends when they could go to a place like J.C. Penney which does significantly more business and is probably cheaper? Because of the influence your friend has in their network. They have created a loyal client base that loves their product and returns year after year for their treasured memories. They don’t care one iota that Ansel Adams could take a better picture, their friend’s amateur art is way more valuable.
Love your network and they will love you back. Despise your network and keep looking for the next best thing and they will return the favor.
There is a saying among entrepreneurs, “Niches lead to riches.” In this world of standardization people appreciate niches that will allow them customized and personal attention.
Don’t fall for the myth that if you aren’t Zuckerberg, Bezos, Cook, or Stanley that what you do doesn’t count or matter. What you do matters to more people than you realize. If you quit there would be a significant void in your world.
Besides God isn’t going to hold Andy Stanley accountable for what happens in your world. He is going to hold you accountable.
Your network may never listen to Hillsong or Andy Stanley but they will listen to you. The people you influence need your voice and contribution so keep writing, keep singing, keep creating, keep leading because you don’t have to be prominent to be significant or to change your world.