6 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve heard from who are feeling down this winter. If you live in a Northern climate like I do it’s been a rough winter. It seems like every day it’s below zero and snows several more inches. I’m even out of places to put the snow.


Photo Feb 03, 8 23 03 AM

Living in such a harsh climate can take its toll on your emotions. You can’t live in a tough place and expect the environment not to be a factor in your mood. I’m not saying people who live in Florida don’t have problems, just different ones–like skin cancer.

This winter I’ve heard from more people than I remember in past winters who are struggling with depression. If you find yourself feeling blue I want you to know you aren’t alone. In fact in some instances there is even a clinical description called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). One of the treatments involves more ultraviolet light…something we are in short supply of. Of course, some people can be clinically depressed and if that’s you –seek professional help.

If it’s just the case of winter blues here is a list of things that can help lift your spirits:

1. Get Moving

Pulling the covers over your head and staying in your pajamas all day is appealing, but it just makes you hate winter more. You’ve heard all of the benefits of exercise like the release of endorphins, a higher metabolism, etc. It’s all true so take the stairs and the furthest parking spot. Do some exercises at home–it’ll help.

2. Have Some People Over

Who are the people that just make you laugh? The type of people you just feel like a better person after hanging around them for a few minutes? Call them, right now, and invite them over for dinner THIS week. The dinner doesn’t have to be fancy, it can just be some soup. The goal isn’t the best meal, it’s hanging out with the best people you know. Dinner is never about the meal, it’s always about the relationships you are building around that meal. It’s easy to forget that. They will probably offer to bring something…take them up on it. Besides it will give your family that extra motivation to help you pick up.

3. Serve Someone

Just as endorphins are released when you work out, they are released when you serve others. I read a study that called it a “serving high.”  It doesn’t have to be building a well in Africa (a worthy goal), it could be as simple as shoveling your neighbor out or baking cookies and delivering them in person. Volunteering at a homeless shelter can get your focus off yourself and your problems and give you a little perspective on difficulty. Sure it’s the right thing to do regardless of how it makes you feel, but isn’t it just like God to ask us to do something (serving) that in the end is good for us too?

4. Avoid Addictive Behaviors

Since we spend A LOT of times indoors during the winter its easy to pick up bad habits we will spend the warmer months trying to break. It’s so easy to eat a bowl of ice cream every night as you watch Netflix, or binge on chips and dip. Besides, you don’t really see the extra weight because of those comfy sweaters and sweatpants. Mindlessly surfing the Internet to buy things that remind you of warmer times can drag you deeper in debt. Have you noticed all of the boat shows happen now and all of the commercials for cruises are on during the dead of winter? It’s because they know we are sun-starved Northerners–easy prey. Buying a boat or a summer cruise won’t make winter end any sooner and might make your summer worse than winter as you regret that big purchase. Be smart.

5. Go to Church

I’m serious! Where else are you going to find positive people who are filled with hope and are actively trying to make themselves and the world around them better? You aren’t going to get that at a bar or sitting on a bleacher all day. No church is perfect, because churches are made up of people who are imperfect. Find a good, life-giving church that loves Jesus and their community. You will be able to tell pretty quickly if they do. Jump right in! Get involved. Involved doesn’t mean going once a month or going and leaving as quickly as possible. At church you are going to meet some people that you will want to have over (see #2). Seriously when was the last time you went to church? Go this Sunday! You aren’t alone. If you feel alone, you can do something about it.

6. Hold on to the Future

Remember this is a just a season. We actually have 4 seasons here in the Northeast. I think that makes us blessed (wink). In a few weeks this season will be over and we will be talking about how hot it is. You will soak up every bit of that sunshine. The tide goes out, but it always comes back in. The sun sets, but it rises again. The snow comes, but so does spring. This too will come to pass! Remind yourself of the blessings and the good in your life. Write them down so you don’t forget. As a Christian we believe this is as bad as it gets.

“Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.” -Isaiah 1:18